viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

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    In my opinion, I think that Monfragüe is a good place for doing tourism because there have excellent climate that enable to living of a lot of species of birds, such as, the imperial eagle.
    On the trip of Monfragüe and F.I.O I knew the ornithology of Spain. In this place, I could contemplate an incredible landscape, for example “El Salto del Gitano”.
    In conclusion, the trip to Monfragüe was entertaining and I think that this journey we have helped us as a good experience for our career.

    I think going to Monfragüe, has been an experience where it could appreciate the birds released and also learn many things in only day.
    We all enjoy a beautiful day, beginning to see in a small town a fairs of stands, and then, seeing in different parts of the natural park different birds, for example, a lot of griffon vultures, black storks, azure-winged magpies, and also see an imperial eagle!
    Finally, we appreciate the nature of different forms.


    The trip to Monfragüe was very funny and a good method for the learning of English.
    In my opinion, I agree that this park is one of the best natural parks in the world. Moreover, I think that it has been very useful for knowing the life of birds in freedom as well as being very exciting, since we could contemplate the birds with field glasses from far. In addition, I have learned that there are a lot types of birds, such as the imperial eagle or the black vulture, for example.
    To finish, I would like to say that the trip to Monfragüe has been an unforgettable experience.


    The trip to Monfragüe was a nice activity and a great experience, because we did something out of the ordinary. I rather liked the fair, with its different stands. It was also very interesting the guided tour. The place which impressed me more was “El Salto del Gitano”, it is wonderful.
    I also say that I finished very tired, overcoat at the end of the activity, because the birds is not one of my favourite topic.

    My partners have told me that the trip to Monfragüe has been very interesting, because they didn´t know that ornitol tourism attracts to many people, specially from U.K. They didn’t know anything about birds, and there they learned a little more of them. They have learned some birds names, like monk vulture, grey heron, common crane or cormorant. They visited the fair of F.I.O. too, and they could see that it had many organism interested in birds with their own stand.
    In conclusion, the world of wild birds is unknown in Extremadura yet, but it is very big and interesting.

  6. Tasks should be followed as requested. This is not what you were supposed to do. Anyway, your comments are nicely put and so the mark for having had a try at it is 5.

    Kind regards,

